الثلاثاء، 28 سبتمبر 2021

10 benefits of walking important for your health and fitness

Walking is the best thing you can offer your body because of its positive impact on mental and physical health when you walk for 30 minutes a day, and we will mention to you through the tops Arabia website the most important 10 benefits of walking through the following lines..


Extended life expectancy

Walking is also associated with a lower risk of death, or a longer life expectancy. The longer and faster the walk, the higher the life expectancy. Read also: 10 amazing benefits for the body while sleeping

A study published in 2011 followed nearly 28,000 participants between the ages of 40 and 79 for 13 years and found that participants who walked for more than one hour a day had a longer average life expectancy than participants who walked for less than one hour a day.


Reducing stress, improving mood and fighting depression

Aerobic exercises, including walking, can help you relax, reduce stress and fight depression.

The reason aerobic exercise lifts our spirits appears to be related to its ability to reduce levels of natural stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, according to a 2015 study.

According to a study published in 2005, walking for just 30 minutes is enough to lift the mood of a person with major depressive disorder.

A 2019 study published in the Official Journal of the American Anxiety and Depression Association (ADAA) found that three hours of exercise per week, regardless of type of activity, reduced the risk of depression in people who had already experienced depression.


Boost the immune system

A brisk, regular walk can help protect you from catching a cold, the flu or other immune-related illnesses.

This is because physical exercise such as walking increases the amount of white blood cells circulating in the blood. These cells fight infections and other diseases as part of the body's immune system.

A 2013 study of 800 young adults over six years showed that their white blood cell count increased significantly after just five minutes of exercise.

Walking is also associated with fewer sick days. Symptoms are less severe if a person becomes ill.


Burn calories and lose weight

Walking increases your heart rate, which leads to energy expenditure and calorie burn just like other forms of physical activity such as running, swimming or cycling. The number of calories you burn depends on your walking speed, duration, and weight.

A 2020 study found that participants burned an average of 89 calories after running 1,600 metres. That was about 20% less than the 113 calories a number of other participants burned by running the same distance.

Across the results of nine different walking studies in a 2008 review, participants lost an average of 0.05 kg per week as a result of increasing their number of steps by between 1,827 and 4,556 steps per day. Overall, this translates to an average weight loss of about 2.5 kg per year across all studies.


Reduce the risk of diabetes

Walking for 30 minutes a day reduces the chances of developing type 2 diabetes, as diabetes is a chronic disease that is widespread in the world, so protect yourself from infection by practicing walking with other exercises regularly.


Fewer asthma problems

The writer stressed the need not to avoid exercise if you suffer from exercise-induced asthma, all you need is to do the appropriate exercise in the appropriate circumstances.

In this regard, the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology reported that walking - in addition to swimming, golfing and cycling - does not contribute to irritating the airways.

In general, doctors recommend sports activities that you can do in a warm weather and that don't require great endurance.


Walking is a free miracle drug 

The writer stated that exercise in general and walking in particular is referred to as a “miracle drug”, due to its ability to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer.

Although it sounds a little exaggerated, walking has no side effects unlike real drugs. In addition, this treatment is easily accessible, effective and affordable, and does not require a prescription.


Strengthening bones by walking

Bone density may not be one of the most important health benefits of walking, but scientific research has proven that those who have strong bones do not develop osteoporosis and all the related problems such as fractures, disability and shrinkage of the spine.

The best way to get strong, healthy bones is to exercise, jogging, dancing and walking, as reported by the American Bone Health Association. The researchers showed that walking programs lasting more than six months were associated with "significant and positive effects" on bone density in the femur.


Improve brain health

The writer confirmed that walking is also beneficial for your brain health, as researchers at the University of New Mexico Highlands discovered that when you walk, the impact of your foot on the ground sends pressure waves through the arteries that increase blood flow to the brain.

In addition, walking protects your brain by reducing your risk of developing cognitive diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia.


 Walking and feeling happy

According to a study published by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, walking contributes to improving mood, especially if it is outside the home; This is according to the writer Charlotte Hilton Anderson in her report, which was published by the American website The Healthy.

Participants in this study who did 150 minutes of aerobic exercise that ranged from golf, tennis, swimming and dancing, or walk 200 minutes per week, reported higher energy levels, emotional health and better social life, when the researchers returned to their follow-up after three years.

Watch also

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