الثلاثاء، 28 سبتمبر 2021

Top 10 most dangerous prisons in the world for 2022

There are many prisons in the world, including some of the most dangerous in the world. Although the prison sentence aims primarily to rehabilitate criminals and try to make them productive members of society, many of these reform institutions have forgotten the purpose of their establishment; So that it has become a hotbed of corruption and crime instead of being correctional and educational institutions.

Below, we list the 10 most dangerous prisons in the world


Petak Island Prison, Russia

This prison can be considered a Russian version of the American “Alcatraz” prison; It was built on an island in the middle of the White Lagoon, surrounded by frozen water all the time.

The experience of imprisonment in it is similar to living in hell; Each prisoner is imprisoned inside a narrow, highly guarded cell for 22 and a half hours, then the prisoners are transferred outside the cells to cages fenced with barbed wire for an hour and a half a day, which infects them with psychological and mental illnesses, and actually drives them crazy.


Evin Prison, Iran

Located in Evin, northwest of the Iranian capital, Tehran, the prison was established in 1962 during the reign of Muhammad Reza Shah, and opened in 1972. Political prisoners were held in this prison before and after the revolution against the Shah’s regime.

Human rights reports indicate that it was the scene of political crimes against opponents. It is also known as the Evin University prison; Because most of its inmates are intellectuals and university professors, and after the spread of many news of torture crimes taking place inside it, the Iranian authorities were forced to move it outside the capital, Tehran, and turn the building into a public park.


Black Beach Prison, Malabo | Equatorial Guinea

The biggest problem in this prison is the human rights crimes that happen to the inmates, and there is also the problem of brutal treatment by the guards, starvation, overcrowding and infection resulting from the presence of mice, and of course, as a result, prisoners die due to chronic diseases resulting from those harsh conditions and because of torture And beatings for long periods and some prisoners disappear in completely mysterious circumstances.


ADX Prison, Florence, USA

One of the worst prisons in the world, located in the US state of Colorado, this prison was opened in 1994 to receive very dangerous hardened criminals, terrorists and the worst armed killers, and those whose imprisonment exceeds 25 years, and in which prisoners are allowed to leave their cell for 9 hours a week Only, while they have to spend the rest of their lives inside the dungeon that does not reach the sunlight, in addition, everything inside the dungeon is made of reinforced concrete.


Camp Prisons - Israel

Israel keeps more than 7,000 Palestinian prisoners in its prisons, most of whom suffer from serious health problems without providing them with the necessary care. In addition, hundreds of Palestinian prisoners are under “administrative detention,” a legal method that allows imprisonment without charge or trial for periods of up to Six months, which can be extended an unlimited number of times.

But Camp Prison is considered one of the most dangerous Israeli secret prisons, it is called “Guantanamo Israel”, and most countries of the world did not know about the prison until 2003, and Israel still refuses to specify the exact location of the prison, but it is located about 100 km north of Jerusalem, she said. Spanish channel "Espany".


Rikers Island, New York

The third largest prison in the United States, Rikers Island hosts local offenders with short sentences (one year or less), those awaiting trial, and those awaiting transfer (including famous names such as David Berkowitz, Mark David Chapman and Lil Wayne).

Rikers Island has a notorious record of abuse. Prisoners often live in dread of abusive corrections officers... In 2009, The New York Times reported that at least seven lawsuits had been brought against the prison administration for guarding.

In one such case, a guard allegedly ordered six prisoners to brutally beat two prisoners, one of whom was hospitalized with a lung injury. The same newspaper also reported that during an 11-month period in 2013, 129 prisoners were seriously injured by guards.

Injuries included broken bones, deep wounds, and severe head injuries. And 77 percent of those who suffered serious injuries in fights had already been diagnosed with a mental illness.


Rodeo prisons | Venezuela

Once again we are still in Venezuela, where the era of Hugo Chavez was witnessing high rates of crime across the country, there were about 50,000 prisoners crammed together inside this prison, but in 2011 there was a bloodbath that arose between rival gangs inside the prison and caused In a tight siege, he was imprisoned for a month.


Gitarama Central Prison | Rwanda

It is said that it is a place from hell that has been summoned to earth, prisoners simply sleep and live and eat and also die and rot without being cared for, leaving four men in every square yard under the blazing sun until their skins burn and inflamed, during the genocide inside the prison he would leave prisoners to kill It is common among the inmates that gangrene spreads from medical negligence, and cannibalism among prisoners due to the poor conditions inside.


Palmyra Military Prison | Syria

Amnesty International describes the Palmyra Military Prison in Syria as one of the most repressive facilities in the world as it completely strips people of their humanity, and the so-called “clean-up” massacre took place in it, which claimed the lives of between 800 and 2,400 prisoners living in it in just two weeks .


La Sainte prisons - France

Many of us may exclude that the city of Paris, the city of lights, art, beauty and fashion, is among our violent list of the worst prisons in the world, but this actually happens, and the La Sainte prison in the capital, Paris, is one of these prisons.
This prison witnessed hundreds of suicides among the prisoners inside, due to the very difficult living conditions in which they live, due to the hierarchical system that the prison contains; Some prisoners have much more power than others, based on their standing in the criminal world and among dangerous gangs; This leaves weak or less stature prisoners in a constant state of fear and anxiety for their lives. Moreover, in an attempt by the prison administration to alleviate the violence there, inmates are allowed to spend only 4 hours during the day out of their cells. Read also: Dungeons of Hell… 10 most horrific prisons in the world

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